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How should I act in the time of crises? Take a few minutes to listen to some of Europe’s leading experts talking about everything from how to adapt your brand strategy to how you can utilize marketing automation for more efficient communication.

Tobias Voigt, markenmut. , Germany

Erich Falkner, Brokkoli, Austria

Fred Reiss, Brokkoli, Austria

Patrik Partl, Brokkoli, Austria

Phil Hewson, Brokkoli, Austria

Nicolas Dziopa, Novembre, France

Frédéric Cronenberger, Novembre, France

Pål Hjorth Berge, Fasett, Norway

Ulf Vanselius, Pyramid, Sweden

Raf Van Raemdonck, Bubka, Belgium

Reto Meyer, Yellow, Switzerland

Frederico Roquette, Nove, Portugal